Tomography tutorial (EMPIAR-10164)
Tomography tutorial (EMPIAR-10164)¶
This tutorial shows how to convert raw tilt-series from EMPIAR-10164 (HIV-1 Gag) into a ~3A resolution structure.
Total running time required to complete this tutorial: ~20 hrs.
We first use the command line to download and decompress a tbz file containing a subset of 5 tilt-series (down-sampled 2x compared to the original data), and an initial model:
# cd to a location in the shared file system and run:
tar xvfz nextpyp_tomo_tutorial.tbz
Open your browser and navigate to the url of your nextPYP
instance (e.g.,
Step 1: Create a new project¶
Data processing runs are organized into projects. We will create a new project for this tutorial
The first time you login into
, you should see an empty Dashboard:Click on Create new project, give the project a name, and select Create
Select the new project from the Dashboard and click Open
The newly created project will be empty and a Jobs panel will appear on the right
Step 2: Import raw tilt-series¶
Import the raw tilt-series downloaded above ( <1 min)
Go to Import Data and select Tomography (from Raw Data)
A form to enter parameters will appear:
Go to the Raw data tab:
Set the
of the raw data by clicking on the icon and browsing to the directory where the you downloaded the raw movie framesType
in the filter box (lower right) and click on the icon to verify your selection. 205 matches should be displayedClick Choose File Pattern to save your selection
Click on the Microscope parameters tab
Pixel size (A)
to 1.35Set
Acceleration voltage (kV)
to 300Set
Tilt-axis angle (degrees)
to 85.3
Click Save and the new block will appear on the project page
The block is in the modified state (indicated by the sign) and is ready to be executed
Clicking the button Run will show another dialog where you can select which blocks to run:
Since there is only one block available, simply click on Start Run for 1 block. This will launch a process that reads one tilt image, applies the gain reference (if applicable) and displays the resulting image inside the block
Click inside the block to see a larger version of the image
Step 3: Pre-processing¶
Movie frame alignment, CTF estimation and particle picking ( 6 min)
Click on Tilt-series (output of the Tomography (from Raw Data) block) and select Pre-processing
Go to the Frame alignment tab:
Frame pattern
to TILTSERIES_SCANORD_ANGLE.tifClick on the CTF determination tab
Max resolution
to 5.0Click on the Tomogram reconstruction tab
Binning factor for reconstruction
to 8Set
Thickness of reconstruction (unbinned voxels)
to 2048Click on the Virion/spike detection tab
Virion radius (A)
to 500.0Set
Virion detection method
to autoClick on the Resources tab
Threads per task
to 7Set
Memory per task
to 14Set other runtime parameters as needed (see Computing resources)
Click Save, Run, and Start Run for 1 block. Follow the status of the run in the Jobs panel
Click inside the Pre-processing block to inspect the results (you don’t need to wait until processing is done to do this). Results will be grouped into tabs:
While on the Tilt Series tab, use the navigation bar at the top of the page to look at the results for other tilt-series
Step 4 (optional): Virion segmentation¶
Detection and segmentation of virions (interactive step)
This step is optional, but it showcases tools available in nextPYP
to work with virions:
Go inside the Pre-processing block, click on the Tilt Series tab, and select Segmentation
Select a virion from the table to show its 3D segmentation (8 different thresholds are shown as yellow contours in columns 1-8). The column number highlighted in blue represents the selected threshold value (default is 1, click on a different column to select a better threshold). If none of the columns look reasonable (or if you want to ignore the current virion virion), select the last column (“-“)
Repeat this process for all virions in the table and all tilt-series in the dataset
Click on > Keyboard shortcuts (under the virion image) to reveal instructions on how to speed up the threshold selection process
Step 5: Particle detection¶
Particle detection from virion surfaces ( 3 min)
In the Pre-processing block, click on the menu icon and select the Edit option.
Go to the Virion/spike detection tab:
Spike detection method
to uniformSet
Minimum distance between spikes (voxels)
to 8Set
Size of equatorial band to restrict spike picking (A)
to 800Click on the Particle detection tab
Detection radius (A)
to 50
Click Save, Run, and Start Run for 1 block
Navigate to the Reconstruction group inside the Tilt-series tab to inspect the virion and spike coordinates:
Step 6: Reference-based refinement¶
Reference-based particle alignment ( 8 hr)
Click on Particles (output of the Pre-processing block) and select Particle refinement
Go to the Sample tab:
Molecular weight (kDa)
to 300Set
Particle radius (A)
to 150Set
to C6Click on the Extraction tab
Box size (pixels)
to 192Set
Image binning
to 2Click on the Refinement tab
Specify the location of the
Initial model
by clicking on the icon , navigating to the folder where you downloaded the data for the tutorial, and selecting the file EMPIAR-10164_init_ref.mrcClick in
Alignments from sub-volume averaging
to select the initial parameters text filetomo-preprocessing-*_original_volumes.txt
from Pre-processingSet
Max resolution (A)
to 8.0Check
Use signed correlation
Skip refinement
Click on the Constrained refinement tab
Last exposure for refinement
to 10Set
Optimizer - Exhaustive search points
to 50000Check
Refine particle alignments
Phi range (degrees)
andTheta range (degrees)
to 10Set
Translation range (voxels)
to 50Click on the Reconstruction tab
Max tilt-angle
to 50Set
Min tilt-angle
to -50Click on the Resources tab
Walltime per task
to 9:00:00Set
Threads (merge task)
to 6Set
Memory (merge task)
to 20
Save your changes, click Run and Start Run for 1 block
One round of refinement and reconstruction will be executed. Click inside the block to see the results
Step 7. Fully constrained refinement¶
Tilt-geometry parameters and particle poses are refined in this step ( 1.5 hr)
Edit the settings of the existing Particle refinement block and go the Refinement tab:
Max resolution (A)
to 8:10:8:6Set
Last iteration
to 5Click on the Constrained refinement tab
Refine tilt-geometry
Optimizer - Max step length
to 100Set
Optimizer - Exhaustive search points
to 0Set
Phi range
,Psi range
andTheta range
to 20.0Click on the Exposure weighting tab
Dose weighting
Frame weight fraction
to 4
Click Save, Run, and Start Run for 1 block to execute three rounds of refinement and reconstruction
Click inside the Particle refinement block to inspect the results:
Use the navigation bar at the top left of the page to look at the results for different iterations
Step 8. Filter particles¶
Identify duplicates and particles with low alignment scores ( 4 min)
Click on Particles (output of the Particle refinement block) and select Filter particles
Go to the Particle filtering tab:
Score threshold
to 2.5Set
Min distance between particles (A)
to 10Specify the location of
Input parameter file
by clicking on the icon and selecting the file tomo-coarse-refinement-*_r01_05.par.bz2Set
Lowest tilt-angle
to -15.0Set
Highest tilt-angle
to 15.0Check
Generate reconstruction after filtering
Click on the Refinement tab
Specify the location of the
Initial model
by clicking on the icon and selecting the file tomo-coarse-refinement-*_r01_05.mrc
Click Save, Run, and Start Run for 1 block. You can see how many particles were left after filtering by looking at the job logs.
Step 9 (optional): Permanently remove bad particles¶
Permanently remove bad particles to improve processing efficiency downstream ( 1 min)
Edit the settings of the existing Filter particles block
Go to the Particle refinement tab:
Permanently remove particles
Generate reconstruction after filtering
Click Save, Run, and Start Run for 1 block to launch the job
Step 10. Region-based local refinement (before masking)¶
Constraints of the tilt-geometry are applied over local regions ( 1 hr)
Click on Particles (output of Filter particles block) and select Particle refinement
Go to the Sample tab:
Particle radius
to 100Click on the Extraction tab
Box size (pixels)
to 384Set
Image binning
to 1Click on the Refinement tab
Specify the location of the
Initial model
by clicking on the icon and selecting the file tomo-fine-refinement-*_r01_02.mrcSelect the location of the
Initial parameter file
by clicking on the icon and selecting the file tomo-fine-refinement-*_r01_02.par.bz2 (select the filetomo-fine-refinement-*_r01_02_clean.par.bz2
if bad particles were permanently removed in the previous step)Set
Max resolution (A)
to 6:5Set
Last iteration
to 3Check
Skip refinement
Click on the Constrained refinement tab
Last exposure for refinement
to 4Set
Number of regions
to 8,8,2Set
Translation range (voxels)
to 20.0
Click Save, Run, and Start Run for 1 block to run the job
Click inside the Particle refinement block to inspect the results:
Step 11: Create shape mask¶
Use most recent reconstruction to create a shape mask ( <1 min)
Click on Particles (output of Particle refinement block) and select Masking
Go to the Masking tab:
Select the
Input map
by click on the icon and selecting the file tomo-coarse-refinement-*_r01_03.mrcSet
Threshold for binarization
to 0.45Check
Use normalized threshold
Click Save, Run, and Start Run for 1 block to run the job
Click on the menu icon of the Masking block, select the Show Filesystem Location option, and Copy the location of the block in the filesystem (we will use this in the next step))
Click inside the Masking block to inspect the results of masking.
You may need to adjust the binarization threshold to obtain a mask that includes the protein density and excludes the background (a pre-calculated mask is provided with the raw data if you rather use that).
Step 12: Region-based constrained refinement¶
Constraints of the tilt-geometry are applied over local regions ( 2 hr)
Edit the settings of the existing Particle refinement block and go to the Refinement tab:
Max resolution (A)
to 6:5:5:4:3.5Uncheck
Resume refinement
First iteration
to 4Set
Last iteration
to 6Specify the location of the
Shape mask
produced in Step 11 by clicking on the icon , navigating to the location of the Masking block by copying the path we saved above, and selecting the file frealign/maps/mask.mrc
Click Save, Run, and Start Run for 1 block to run the job
Click inside the Particle refinement block to inspect the results:
Step 13: Particle-based CTF refinement¶
Per-particle CTF refinement using most recent reconstruction ( 3 hr)
Click on the menu icon from the Particle refinement block and choose the Edit option
Go to the Refinement tab:
Max resolution (A)
to 3.1Set
Last iteration
to 7Click on the Constrained refinement tab
Last exposure for refinement
to 10Uncheck
Refine tilt-geometry
Refine particle alignments
Refine CTF per-particle
Click Save, Run, and Start Run for 1 block
Click inside the Particle refinement block to inspect the results
Step 14: Movie frame refinement¶
Particle-based movie-frame alignment and data-driven exposure weighting ( 3 hr)
Click Particles (output of Particle refinement block) and select Movie refinement
Go to the Sample tab:
Particle radius
to 80Click on the Refinement tab
Specify the
Initial model
by clicking on the icon and selecting the file tomo-coarse-refinement-*_r01_07.mrcSpecify the
Input parameter file
by clicking on the icon and selecting the file tomo-coarse-refinement-*_r01_07.par.bz2Set
Max resolution (A)
to 3.2Click on the Constrained refinement tab
Last exposure for refinement
to 4Uncheck
Refine CTF per-particle
Movie frame refinement
Regularize translations
Spatial sigma
to 200.0
Click Save, Run, and Start Run for 1 block
Click inside the Particle refinement block to inspect the results:
Step 15: Refinement after movie frame refinement¶
Additional refinement using new frame alignment parameters ( 1 hr)
Click on the menu icon from the Movie refinement block and choose the Edit option.
Go to the Refinement tab:
Max resolution (A)
to 3.3Click on the Constrained refinement tab
Min number of projections for refinement
to 2Check
Refine tilt-geometry
Translation range (pixels)
to 10.0Set
Tilt-angle range (degrees)
andTilt-axis range (degrees)
to 1.0Check
Refine particle alignments
Phi range (degrees)
to 1.0Set
Psi range (degrees)
to 1.0Set
Theta range (degrees)
to 1.0Set
Translation range (voxels)
to 10.0Uncheck
Movie frame refinement
Click Save, Run, and Start Run for 1 block
Click inside the Particle refinement block to inspect the results:
Step 16: Map sharpening¶
Apply B-factor weighting in frequency space ( <1 min)
Click Movies (output of Movie refinement block) and select Post-processing
Go to the Post-processing tab:
Specify the
First half map
by clicking on the icon and selecting the file tomo-flexible-refinement-*_r01_half1.mrc (output of the Movie refinement block)Set
Automask threshold
to 0.4
Click Save, Run, and Start Run for 1 block
You can inspect the result by clicking inside the Map sharpening block:
Running times were measured running all tilt-series in parallel on nodes with 124 vCPUs, 720GB RAM, and 3TB of local SSDs