
The admin page can be accessed through the url:

Using this page, administrators can create, edit or delete Groups and Users and set permissions:

Admin dashboard

Create new Group(s)

  • Go to the Groups tab and click + Add Group

  • Specify a name for the group and click Save

Project dashboard

Create new User(s)

  • Go to the Users tab and click + Add User

  • Specify a User ID and Display Name

  • Set the necessary permissions (the EditSession attribute will allow users to launch Sessions)

  • Assign the user to a group(s) by checking the necessary boxes

Project dashboard


  • You can also edit or delete details for Groups or Users using the and buttons

  • If you are using nextPYP’s reverse-proxy for authentication, you can also create a one-time login link for new users using the button


The admin page has two additional tabs which can be useful for troubleshooting installation problems. The PYP tab can be used to confirm that the website can communicate with PYP over the RPC channel, and the Jobs tab can be used to troubleshoot issues with running jobs.