Filter micrographs/tilt-series

Filter micrographs/tilt-series

nextPYP allows users to select a subset of micrographs or tilt-series for further processing through the use of Filters.

Step 1: Create a filter

  • Click inside the Pre-processing block and go to the Table view.

  • Create a new filter by providing a name and clicking Save.

  • Add new criteria to the filter using the +Add button.

  • Select the desired parameter from the dropdown list and set the range using the sliders.

  • Use Apply filters to preview the results of the filter.

  • You can also manually include or exclude individual micrographs or tilt-series using the Exclude column in the table. Shortcuts are provided to facilitate the labeling of large datasets: type x to exclude and c to include an image and advance to the next or previous entry in the table.

  • Once you are satisfied with the results, click Save to save the filter settings.

Create new filter


  • You can create additional filters by providing a different name and clicking Save.

  • Saved filters can be retrieved by clicking Load and selecting the name of the filter from the list.

  • Once a filter is loaded, it can be edited or deleted by clicking Delete (this operation cannot be undone).

Step 2: Apply the filter

  • Create a new refinement block downstream from the Pre-processing block. Select the name of the desired filter from the Filter micrographs or Filter tilt-series dropdown menu, and click Save. When you execute the Particle refinement block, only the micrographs (or tilt-series) selected by the filter will be used for the processing downstream.

Select filter


  • Filters do not work if you have previously executed the Particle refinement block without using a filter or using a different filter (you need to create a new Particle refinement block in this case).

  • You can experiment using different subsets of micrographs or tilt-series by creating multiple Particle refinement blocks and selecting a different filter for each block.