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Cellular Content Exploration

Cellular content exploration module

For the exploration step, MiLoPYP learns an embedding space for 3D macromolecules such that similar structures are grouped together while dissimilar ones are separated. The embedding space is then projected into 2D and 3D which allows easy identification of the distribution of macromolecular structures across an entire dataset.

Input preparation

There are two different modes for this module:

  • 2d3d: this mode requires aligned tilt-series (.mrc or .ali), corresponding tilt-angles (.tlt) and 3D tomograms (.rec).

  • 3d: this mode only requires 3D tomograms ( .rec).

In 2d3d mode, the training file should be a .txt file containing: - tomogram name - path to 3D tomograms - path to 2D tilt-series - path to tilt-angle file

in the following format:

image_name   rec_path    tilt_path   angle_path

tomo1   path_to_rec_1   path_to_tilt_1   path_to_angle_1

tomo2   path_to_rec_2   path_to_tilt_2   path_to_angle_2

For example, suppose we store tilt-series, tilt-angles and reconstructed tomograms in the directory /data/sample_data, then the training .txt file should look like this:

image_name   rec_path    tilt_path   angle_path

tomo1   /data/sample_data/tomo1.rec   /data/sample_data/tomo1.mrc   /data/sample_data/tomo1.tlt

tomo2   /data/sample_data/tomo2.rec   /data/sample_data/tomo1.mrc   /data/sample_data/tomo1.tlt

In 3d mode, the training file only needs to have the image_name and rec_path columns (tilt_path and angle_path are not needed). In this case, the file should look like this:

image_name   rec_path

tomo1   path_to_rec_1

tomo2   path_to_rec_2
It is OK to use the same file formatted for 2d3d mode as input to the 3d mode (only the first two columns will be used and the rest will be ignored).


Make sure the tilt-series are aligned. They also need to have the same xy-dimensions as the tomograms. Typically, we recommend using down-sampled tilt-series and tomograms (with xy-dimensions smaller than 2,000 pixels).

Once all the files are generated, move the training files to the data/ directory (create the directory if it doesn't exist).


To train the exploration module in 2d3d mode (using tilt-series and tomograms), run:

python simsiam2d3d --num_epochs 20 --exp_id test_sample --bbox 36 --dataset simsiam2d3d --arch simsiam2d3d_18 --lr 1e-3 --train_img_txt sample_train_explore_img.txt --batch_size 256 --val_intervals 20 --save_all --gauss 0.8 --dog 3,5
In this mode, all training-related files will be saved into the folder exp/simsiam2d3d/test_sample, including a log file containing the values for the loss function and a list of all the arguments used for training.

To train the exploration module in 3d mode (using tomograms only), run:

python simsiam3d --num_epochs 20 --exp_id test_sample --bbox 36 --dataset simsiam3d --arch simsiam2d_18 --lr 1e-3 --train_img_txt sample_train_explore_img.txt --batch_size 256 --val_intervals 20 --save_all --gauss 0.8 --dog 3,5
In this mode, all training-related files will be saved to the folder exp/simsiam3d/test_sample, including a log file containing values for the loss function and a list of all the arguments for training.

Arguments Purpose
num_epochs number of epochs used for training, 100 to 300 recommended
exp_id experiment id to use as prefix for saving the output
bbox box size, should be bigger than particle size
dataset sampling and dataloader mode
arch model backbone architecture
lr learning rate
training_img_txt image list used for training
batch_size batch size for training
val_intervals interval to save intermediate models
save_all save all intermediate models
gauss use a Gaussian filter to denoise tilt-series and tomograms
dog kernel size for difference of gaussian (DoG) pyramid, comma delimited

For more information about arguments, see the file


After training, tomograms/tilt-series can be mapped into the embeddings using the trained model.

For the 2d3d mode, run:

python simsiam2d3d --exp_id test_sample --bbox 36 --dataset simsiam2d3d --arch simsiam2d3d_18 --test_img_txt sample_train_explore_img.txt --load_model exp/simsiam2d3d/test_sample/model_20.pth --gauss 0.8 --dog 3,5

For 3d mode, run:

python simsiam3d --exp_id test_sample --bbox 36 --dataset simsiam3d --arch simsiam2d_18 --test_img_txt sample_train_explore_img.txt --load_model exp/simsiam3d/test_sample/model_20.pth --gauss 0.8 --dog 3,5
In this example, we are using a trained model from the 20th epoch.

Note: make sure you use the same architecture, box size, gauss, and dog parameters for both training and inference tasks

For example, if you use: --bbox 36 --gauss 0.8 --dog 3,5 during training, make sure the same arguments are used for inference. To find the arguments you used for training, go to the output folder and check the file opts.txt.

Note: selection of best trained model

To select the best model, check the loss in the file log.txt and select models with lower loss.

Output from inference is saved into a .npz file that contains the embeddings, corresponding coordinates, original cropped patches from tomograms, and names of corresponding tomograms. The output is saved to the folder exp/simsiam2d3d/test_sample/all_output_info.npz (for 2d3d mode), and to exp/simsiam3d/test_sample/all_output_info.npz (for 3d mode).

2D visualization

There are two ways to visualize the results:

2D visualization plot

2D visualization with labels

To generate the 2D visualization plots, run:

python --input exp/simsiam2d3d/test_sample/all_output_info.npz --n_cluster 48 --num_neighbor 40 --mode umap --path exp/simsiam2d3d/test_sample/ --min_dist_vis 1.3e-3
The first 2D visualization plot will be saved to exp/simsiam2d3d/test_sample/2d_visualization_out.png, and an additional visualization plot with labels generated using an over-clustering algorithm will be saved to exp/simsiam2d3d/test_sample/2d_visualization_labels.png. Additional outputs will include the file all_colors.npy that will be used as input for plotting the 3D tomogram visualization, and the file interactive_info_parquet.gzip that contains the labels from the over-clustering algorithm and can be used as input for the interactive session. PNGs of all cropped patches will be also saved to the folder exp/simsiam2d3d/test_sample/imgs/. These files will also be used for the interactive session. When using the 3d mode, simply replace simsiam2d3d with simsiam3d.

Arguments Purpose
input output all_output_info.npz from inference
n_cluster number of clusters for over-clustering
num_neighbor number of neighbors for both T-SNE and UMAP clustering
mode whether to use T-SNE or UMAP for dimensionality reduction
path where to save all output and images
host localhost for images, default port number is 7000
min_dist_umap min distance in UMAP
min_dist_vis min distance for patch display in 2D visualization

3D visualization

Results can also be visualized in 3D as shown below:

3D visualization plot

To generate the 3D visualization plots, run:

python --input exp/simsiam2d3d/test_sample/all_output_info.npz --color exp/simsiam2d3d/test_sample/all_colors.npy --dir_simsiam exp/simsiam2d3d/test_sample/ --rec_dir sample_data/
This command will produce two numpy arrays: *rec3d.npy containing the 3D tomogram, and *hm3d_simsiam.npy containing the color heatmaps. To visualize the results, the two arrays can either be:

  1. Loaded into napari as two layers and the transparency of each layer can be adjusted using the napari interface.

  2. The two arrays can be blended using weighted averaging: w x rec_3d.npy + (1-w) x hm3d_simsiam.npy, and the result will be a colored 3D tomogram that can also be visualized in napari.

Arguments Purpose
input the file all_output_info.npz (output from the inference step)
color .npy color array, generated by
dir_simsiam directory where the current run is stored
rec_dir directory with corresponding .rec files

For the 3d mode, simply replace simsiam2d3d with simsiam3d.

3D interactive session

MiLoPYP uses Arize-AI's Phoenix library for interactive visualization in 3D. Sessions require loading of local images which are generated by in the directory exp/simsiam2d3d/test_sample/imgs/. To connect images to the localhost and keep it running in the background, initiate a new session from the terminal using screen, change directory to exp/simsiam2d3d/test_sample/, and run the command: python -m http.server 7000. The images will be hosted on port number 7000. Detach from the screen session.


Make sure to use the same number as the host argument in, default port number is 7000.

To initiate an interactive session, run:

python --input exp/simsiam2d3d/test_sample/interactive_info_parquet.gzip
On the terminal, it should show the headers of the parquet file, including the localhost address for the interactive session. For example, here the localhost address is http://localhost:33203/: interactive session terminal display

You should now be able to access the interactive session by visiting: http://localhost:33203/.


If you are running everything on a remote cluster and want to visualize the results through your local browser, you will first need to connect remote to local. This needs to be done for both images and the interactive session. To connect images with localhost port number 7000, use ssh -N -f -L localhost:7000:localhost:7000 user@your_remote_login_address on your local terminal. To connect to the interactive session using localhost at port number 33203, use ssh -N -f -L localhost:33203:localhost:33203 user@your_remote_login_address.

In the interactive session, you should be able to visualize clusters of 3D embeddings, you will be able to adjust the number of points to be displayed in the cluster, coloring of each embedding based on the labels, select subclusters based on labels, and export selected subclusters.

Here are examples of the interactive visualization:

homepage for interactive session

adjust number of points to be displayed

coloring of embeddings based on labels

select and export subclusters based on labels

Convert exported parquet files to training coordinates

Exported coordinates can be downloaded using the interactive session's GUI. In the example below, the downloaded parquet is named: 2023-10-08_19-44-41.parquet.

[![download exported coordinates]][download exported coordinates]

Convert the parquet to training coordinates (*.txt) by running:

python --input path_to_dir_of_parquets --output training_coordinates.txt 

Arguments Purpose
input directory that contains the downloaded parquet files
output directory where the training coordinates will be saved
if_double whether z-coordinates obtained from DoGs in the exploration module are downscaled 2x

Next, we will use the same image file sample_train_explore_img.txt and the generated coordinates training_coordinates.txt to train the refinement module.