####################### Single-particle session ####################### This tutorial shows how to process micrographs on-the-fly during data collection. ``nextPYP`` implements streaming using three parallel tracks: * **File transfer** from the microscope computer to a permanent storage location * **Data pre-processing** consisting of frame alignment, CTF estimation and particle picking * **2D classification** to monitor particle quality Each track is displayed in a separate row and has its own **Status** indicator and **Controls** to :badge:`Start,badge-primary`, :badge:`Restart,badge-primary`, :badge:`Clear,badge-primary`, or :badge:`Stop,badge-primary` the session and to display the :badge:`Logs,badge-primary` Step 1: Create a new session ---------------------------- .. dropdown:: Streaming is organized in sessions. A new session should be created for each data collection run :container: + shadow :title: bg-primary text-white text-left :open: * Go to the **Dashboard** and click on :badge:`Go to Sessions,badge-primary` * Start a Single-particle session by clicking on :badge:`+ Start Single-particle,badge-primary` * Give the session a `Name` and assign a `Group` from the dropdown menu (see :doc:`Administration<../reference/admin>` to create and manage user groups) * Go to the **Image data** tab: .. tabbed:: Image data * Select the ``Location`` of the raw data by clicking on the icon :fa:`search,text-primary` and navigating to the folder where the movies are saved * Click on the **Gain reference** tab .. tabbed:: Gain reference * Specify the location and parameters for the gain reference as needed * Click on the **Microscope parameters** tab .. tabbed:: Microscope parameters * Set the ``Pixel size (A)`` and ``Acceleration voltage (kV)`` * Click on the **Particle detection** tab .. tabbed:: Particle detection * Set the ``Particle radius (A)`` * Click on the **Resources** tab .. tabbed:: Resources * Set the number of ``Threads per task``, ``Memory per task``, and other resources as needed (see :doc:`Computing resources<../reference/computing>`) * :badge:`Save,badge-primary` your settings Step 2: Launch the streaming session ------------------------------------ .. dropdown:: Start data pre-processing :container: + shadow :title: bg-primary text-white text-left :open: * Go to the **Operation** tab and :badge:`Start,badge-primary` the daemon from the **Controls** panel * You may stop the session at any time using the :badge:`Cancel,badge-primary` button * Inspect the results by navigating to the **Plots**, **Table**, **Gallery**, **Micrographs**, and **2D Classes** tabs Step 3 (optional): Adjust data processing parameters ---------------------------------------------------- .. dropdown:: Change data processing parameters during a session :container: + shadow :title: bg-primary text-white text-left :open: * You can change the data processing settings during a session by going to the **Settings** tab and saving your changes * Restart the corresponding daemon tracks for the changes to take effect Step 4: Copy or delete a session -------------------------------- .. dropdown:: Start a session using settings from an existing session or delete a session :container: + shadow :title: bg-primary text-white text-left :open: * You can create a new session by copying the settings of an existing one by clicking on the icon :fa:`copy, text-primary` * You can delete a session by clicking on the icon :fa:`trash, text-primary`. This will permanently delete the session and all associated files Step 5 (optional): Filter micrographs and export metadata --------------------------------------------------------- .. dropdown:: Filter micrographs and export to external programs in star format :container: + shadow :title: bg-primary text-white text-left :open: * You can filter micrographs according to different criteria by going to the **Table** tab. Type a filter name and click :badge:`Save,badge-primary`. Add and apply filters as needed and click :badge:`Save,badge-primary` when you are done * Click :badge:`Export,badge-primary` to export the data in ``star`` format. A dialog will appear where you can specify the resources for the export job. After clicking on :badge:`Export,badge-primary` a new job will appear in the **Operation** tab and you will be able to check its status and see the location of the exported data by clicking on the icon :fa:`eye, text-primary`. .. seealso:: * :doc:`Tomography session` * :doc:`Single-particle tutorial` * :doc:`Tomography tutorial` * :doc:`Classification tutorial`