###################### Import/export projects ###################### This tutorial shows how to import and export single-particle and tomography projects. ``nextPYP`` supports importing **Sessions**, **CLI projects**, or `Relion 4.0 `_ projects. We will demonstrate how to import/export data to and from Relion (the other options work similarly). 1. Import single-particle projects ================================== * Create or navigate to an existing single-particle project, click :badge:`Import Data,badge-primary` and select :badge:`Single-particle (from Star),badge-primary` * Go to the **Import parameters** tab: .. tabbed:: Import parameters - Set the location of the ``Relion refinement star file`` by clicking on the icon :fa:`search,text-primary` and browsing to the corresponding directory - Set the location of the ``Relion motioncorr star file`` by clicking on the icon :fa:`search,text-primary` and browsing to the corresponding directory - Set the location of the ``Relion project path`` by clicking on the icon :fa:`search,text-primary` and browsing to the corresponding directory * Go to the **Raw data** tab: .. tabbed:: Raw data - Set the ``Location`` of the raw data by clicking on the icon :fa:`search,text-primary` and browsing to the corresponding directory - Click on the **Microscope parameters** tab .. tabbed:: Microscope parameters - Set ``Pixel size (A)`` - Set ``Acceleration voltage (kV)`` * (optional) Set parameters in other tabs * Click :badge:`Save,badge-primary` and the new block will appear on the project page * Click :badge:`Run,badge-primary` followed by :badge:`Start Run for 1 block,badge-primary` to launch the import process * Click inside the block to inspect the results 2. Import tomography projects ============================= * Create or navigate to an existing tomography project, click :badge:`Import Data,badge-primary` and select :badge:`Tomography (from Star),badge-primary` * Go to the **Import parameters** tab: .. tabbed:: Import parameters - Set the location of the ``Relion refinement star file`` by clicking on the icon :fa:`search,text-primary` and browsing to the corresponding directory - Set the location of the ``Relion tomogram star file`` by clicking on the icon :fa:`search,text-primary` and browsing to the corresponding directory - Set the location of the ``Relion project path`` by clicking on the icon :fa:`search,text-primary` and browsing to the corresponding directory * Go to the **Raw data** tab: .. tabbed:: Raw data - Set the ``Location`` of the raw data by clicking on the icon :fa:`search,text-primary` and browsing to the corresponding directory - Click on the **Microscope parameters** tab .. tabbed:: Microscope parameters - Set ``Pixel size (A)`` - Set ``Acceleration voltage (kV)`` - Set ``Tilt-axis angle (degrees)`` * (optional) Set parameters in other tabs * Click :badge:`Save,badge-primary` and the new block will appear on the project page * Click :badge:`Run,badge-primary` followed by :badge:`Start Run for 1 block,badge-primary` to launch the import process * Click inside the block to inspect the results 3. Export single-particle/tomography projects ============================================= * Choose an existing :badge:`Particle refinement,badge-primary` block, click on the menu icon :fa:`bars, text-primary` and select the :fa:`edit, text-primary` Edit option * Go to the **Export** tab: - Check ``Export metadata`` - Set the location of the ``Input parfile`` you want to export by clicking on the icon :fa:`search,text-primary` and browsing to the corresponding directory * Click :badge:`Save,badge-primary` * Click :badge:`Run,badge-primary` followed by :badge:`Start Run for 1 block,badge-primary` to launch the export process Once the job ends, the results will appear in the specified folder and will be ready to import into other packages. For a tomography project example, you can use `Relion's Import Coordinates `_ procedure .. seealso:: * :doc:`CLI single-particle import/export<../reference/cli/spa_import_export>` * :doc:`CLI tomography import/export<../reference/cli/tomo_import_export>`