======== Overview ======== ``nextPYP``'s graphical user interface (GUI) has the following components: Dashboard and projects ====================== * The **Dashboard** :fa:`tachometer-alt` is the top-level page of ``nextPYP`` .. figure:: ../images/dashboard_empty.webp :alt: Dashboard view * **Projects** :fa:`project-diagram` are logical units within the dashboard and are used to organize data processing runs .. figure:: ../images/tutorial_tomo_open.webp :alt: Project view Blocks ====== Each **Block** represents a unit of processing (data import, pre-processing, refinement, masking, etc.). They provide control over the corresponding processing parameters and an interface to visualize the results. Projects consist of sequences of connected blocks. .. figure:: ../images/overview_blocks_view.webp :alt: Project view .. tip:: - Blocks can be moved around or organized within the canvas - Multiple blocks can be selected and moved as a set. Block connectivity ------------------ Each block in ``nextPYP`` has inputs and outputs of specific types. Two blocks can be connected only if their input/outputs types are compatible. The program does not allow for incompatible block connections. Block types ----------- Single-particle projects and tomography projects will have slightly differing block types. A list of block types and their corresponding inputs and outputs is given below: .. tabbed:: Single-particle .. dropdown:: :fa:`layer-group fa-2x` Data import :container: + shadow :title: bg-primary text-white text-left font-weight-bold :open: :Description: Import movie frames or micrographs in multiple formats (MRC, DM4, TIF, and EER). :Input: None :Output: ``Movies`` .. dropdown:: :fa:`chart-bar fa-2x` Pre-processing :container: + shadow :title: bg-primary text-white text-left font-weight-bold :open: :Description: Movie frame alignment, CTF estimation, and particle picking. :Input: ``Movies`` :Output: ``Particles`` .. dropdown:: :fa:`dot-circle fa-2x` Particle refinement :container: + shadow :title: bg-primary text-white text-left font-weight-bold :open: :Description: Particle alignment, classification and per-particle CTF refinement. :Input: ``Particles`` :Output: ``Particles`` .. dropdown:: :fa:`filter fa-2x` Particle filtering :container: + shadow :title: bg-primary text-white text-left font-weight-bold :open: :Description: Removal of bad particles from downstream analysis. :Input: ``Particles`` :Output: ``Particles`` .. dropdown:: :fa:`film fa-2x` Movie refinement :container: + shadow :title: bg-primary text-white text-left font-weight-bold :open: :Description: Per-particle movie frame alignment and dose weighting. :Input: ``Particles`` or ``Frames`` :Output: ``Frames`` .. dropdown:: :fa:`crop fa-2x` Create mask :container: + shadow :title: bg-primary text-white text-left font-weight-bold :open: :Description: Creation of shape masks. :Input: ``Particles`` or ``Frames`` :Output: ``None`` .. dropdown:: :fa:`star fa-2x` Post-processing :container: + shadow :title: bg-primary text-white text-left font-weight-bold :open: :Description: Masking, map sharpening, and Fourier Shell Correlation (FSC) plots. :Input: ``Particles`` or ``Frames`` :Output: ``None`` .. tabbed:: Tomography .. dropdown:: :fa:`layer-group fa-2x` Data import :container: + shadow :title: bg-primary text-white text-left font-weight-bold :open: :Decription: Import raw tilt-series data (with or without frames) in MRC or TIF format. :Input: None :Output: ``Tilt-series`` .. dropdown:: :fa:`chart-bar fa-2x` Pre-processing :container: + shadow :title: bg-primary text-white text-left font-weight-bold :open: :Description: Frame and tilt-series alignment, tomogram reconstruction, CTF estimation, and particle picking. :Input: ``Tilt-series`` :Output: ``Particles`` .. dropdown:: :fa:`dot-circle fa-2x` Particle refinement :container: + shadow :title: bg-primary text-white text-left font-weight-bold :open: :Description: Constrained particle alignment and classification, region-based refinement, and per-particle CTF refinement :Input: ``Particles`` :Output: ``Particles`` .. dropdown:: :fa:`filter fa-2x` Particle filtering :container: + shadow :title: bg-primary text-white text-left font-weight-bold :open: :Description: Removal of bad particles from downstream analysis. :Input: ``Particles`` :Output: ``Particles`` .. dropdown:: :fa:`film fa-2x fa-2x fa-2x` Movie refinement :container: + shadow :title: bg-primary text-white text-left font-weight-bold :open: :Description: Per-particle tilt movie refinement and reconstruction, data-driven dose-weighting. :Input: ``Particles``or ``Frames`` :Output: ``Frames`` .. dropdown:: :fa:`crop fa-2x` Create mask :container: + shadow :title: bg-primary text-white text-left font-weight-bold :open: :Description: Creation of shape mask. :Input: ``Particles``or ``Frames`` :Output: ``None`` .. dropdown:: :fa:`star fa-2x` Post-processing :container: + shadow :title: bg-primary text-white text-left font-weight-bold :open: :Description: Masking, map sharpening and Fourier Shell Correlation (FSC) plots. :Input: ``Particles`` or ``Frames`` :Output: ``None`` Block operations ---------------- Users can access block-level operations using the menu icon :fa:`bars,text-primary` located at the top-right corner of each block. The following operations are supported: * :fa:`tag text-primary` Rename block. * :fa:`copy text-primary` Create a new block with the same input connection and parameter settings as the current block. * :fa:`edit text-primary` Open a dialog to Edit/Read block parameters. Click :badge:`Save, badge-primary`, :badge:`Reset, badge-primary` or close the dialog by clicking the icon :fa:`window-close` to discard your changes. * :fa:`external-link-alt text-primary` Reveal the location of the latest set of logs for the block in the **Jobs** panel. * :fa:`location-arrow text-primary` Reveal location of files in the filesystem for the block. * :fa:`recycle text-primary` Reset state to allow re-running the block. * :fa:`eraser text-primary` Delete all files associated with the block. * :fa:`trash text-primary` Delete block. This operation cannot be undone. If a block has connections downstream, all connected blocks will be deleted (user is required to confirm this operation). Block status ------------ Blocks can be in one of three states (indicated by icons displayed on the top bar of each block): * Block is up-to-date (no graphical indication) * :fa:`recycle text-primary` Modified (parameters were modified and the block is not up-to-date) * :fa:`cog fa-pulse text-primary` Running (the block is currently running) Block parameters ---------------- Block parameters are specified using dialog forms. These are shown every time a new block is created or copied, or when clicking the icon :fa:`bars,text-primary` and selecting the :fa:`edit,text-primary` Edit option. Jobs panel ========== The **Jobs** panel is used to monitor the status of all SLURM jobs launched by ``nextPYP`` Jobs can be in one of four states: * :fa:`stopwatch` Scheduled * :fa:`cog fa-pulse` Running * :fa:`check-circle` Completed * :fa:`exclamation-triangle` Failed Jobs are arranged hierarchically according to their dependencies, and the number of jobs in each state is updated continuously. For simplicity, jobs are grouped chronologically into ``Today``, ``This Week`` and ``Older``. The arrows :fa:`angle-right` and :fa:`angle-down` are used to expand or collapse each group. The three job phases *Launch*, *Split* and *Merge* within each run are organized according to their dependencies. .. tip:: - A summary of currently running jobs from all projects in ``nextPYP`` can be found in the **Dashboard** :fa:`tachometer-alt` page - Running jobs can be cancelled by clicking on the icon :fa:`ban,text-danger` - Job logs can be accessed by clicking the icon :fa:`file,text-primary` to the right of the job name - The log window can be docked/undocked by clicking the icon :fa:`thumbtack,text-primary` Navigation ========== Use the breadcrumb menu at the top of the page to navigate to the **Dashboard** or the current **Project** .. figure:: ../images/tutorial_tomo_pre_process_page.webp :alt: Breadcrums .. tip:: Some pages in ``nextPYP`` can be bookmarked and saved for later reference .. seealso:: * :doc:`Particle picking` * :doc:`Neural-network picking` * :doc:`Filter micrographs/tilt-series` * :doc:`Visualization in ChimeraX/ArtiaX`