================================ Visualization in ChimeraX/ArtiaX ================================ ``nextPYP`` produces all the necessary files to visualize a refined map into the original tomogram positions using ChimeraX/ArtiaX. Step 1: Download the necessary files ------------------------------------ You will need to download the following files to your local computer: - Tomogram reconstruction (``*.rec``) - Refined map (``*.mrc``) - Corresponding particle orientations (``*.star``) You can get these files as follows: - Go to the Pre-processing block, click on the **Tilt-series** tab, select a tilt-series and go to the **Reconstruction** tab. Download the ``.rec`` file by clicking on the gray/green badge - Go to the Particle refinement block, select the **Reconstruction** tab and select the ``Cropped Map`` option from the dropdown menu - In the same Particle refinement block, go the **Metadata** tab, type the name of the tilt-series and click ``Search``. Download the ``.star`` file by clicking on the gray/green badge Step 2: Load data into ChimeraX/ArtiaX -------------------------------------- - Open ChimeraX (we assume the ArtiaX plugin is already installed) - Open the tomogram file ``tilt_series_name.rec`` - Run the following commands in the ChimeraX shell: - ``volume permuteAxes #1 xzy`` - ``volume flip #2 axis z`` (this step is only necessary when the dataset has virions) - Go to the ArtiaX tab and ``Launch`` the plugin - In the **Tomograms** section (main ArtiaX panel on the left), select model #3 (permuted z flip) from the ``Add Model`` dropdown menu and click ``Add!`` - Go to to the ArtiaX options panel on the right, and set the ``Pixel Size`` for the **Current Tomogram** to the binned pixel size (10.8 for the EMPIAR-10164 tutorial) and click ``Apply`` - From the **Particles List** section (main ArtiaX panel on the left), select ``Open List ...`` and browse to the location of the ``.star`` file - Go to the ArtiaX options panel on the right, select the **Select/Manipulate** tab and set the ``Origin`` of the ``Pixelsize Factors`` to the unbinned pixel size of the data (1.35 for the EMPIAR-10164 tutorial) - From the **Geometric Models** section (main ArtiaX panel on the left), go to ``Open Geomodel ...`` and select the refined map - Go to the ArtiaX options panel on the right, in the **Visualization** tab, set the ``Use Model`` from the dropdown menu to the refined map and click ``Attach Model`` - From the **Color Settings** section, select ``Colormap`` and choose the attribute ``rlnLogLikelihoodContribution`` from the dropdown menu If everything went well, you should obtain a result similar to this: .. figure:: ../images/guide_artiax_10164.webp :alt: ArtiaX visualization of HIV1-Gag .. tip:: Depending on the dimensions of the refined map and the number of particles in the tomogram, you may need to downsample the map to make ChimeraX more responsive. .. seealso:: * :doc:`Filter micrographs/tilt-series` * :doc:`Particle picking` * :doc:`Neural-network picking` * :doc:`Overview`