========== User guide ========== .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Menu guide/overview guide/filters guide/picking guide/neural_network guide/chimerax_artiax The following sections describe the main components and functionality of ``nextPYP``. .. panels:: :container: container-fluid pb-1 :body: bg-primary text-centered text-white font-weight-bold :header: text-center :fa:`globe fa-4x text-white` +++ .. link-button:: guide/overview :type: ref :text: Overview of GUI :classes: btn-outline-primary btn-block stretched-link --- :fa:`filter fa-4x text-white` +++ .. link-button:: guide/filters :type: ref :text: Filter micrographs/tilt-series :classes: btn-outline-primary btn-block stretched-link --- :fa:`dot-circle fa-4x text-white` +++ .. link-button:: guide/picking :type: ref :text: Particle picking :classes: btn-outline-primary btn-block stretched-link --- :fa:`brain fa-4x text-white` +++ .. link-button:: guide/neural_network :type: ref :text: Neural-network picking :classes: btn-outline-primary btn-block stretched-link --- :fa:`eye fa-4x text-white` +++ .. link-button:: guide/chimerax_artiax :type: ref :text: Visualization in ChimeraX/ArtiaX :classes: btn-outline-primary btn-block stretched-link .. seealso:: * :doc:`Installation` * :doc:`Tutorials` * :doc:`Reference`